Monday, October 31, 2005

Islington North CPF comments highlighted by Conservative Research Department

Islington North's response to the Conservative Policy Forum's paper on the General Election was highlighted by John Glen, Director of the Conservative Research Department, in his report to participating constituencies.

On the question of 'How Important should the public services be in our next campaign?', he found 'there was an appetite for reform, but little mention of choice and even less of privitisation'.

'In this respect' Mr Glen continued, 'the response from Islington North was particularly forthright: "Blind faith in the power of 'choice' is not enough. If choice is such a powerful mechanism for driving up standards, we need to explain why. A familiar refrain on the doorsteps during the General Election campaign was "I don't want a choice, I just want a decent hospital."

Many thanks to Simon Philips, Deputy Chairman of Islington North for preparing the report that ensued from a discussion of Islington North members.

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