Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Last night's campaigning meeting

Last night, Islington Conservatives held a campaigning meeting in our offices. The ten of us who came discussed leafletting strategies and future campaigning events. It looks like we will be doing some leaflet deliveries in most wards over the next few weeks, so please let us know if you can spare some time to help.

We also sent out our latest newsletter to members via email and discussed some future events that we are planning. You can view a copy of this newsletter which is online here.

If you would like to come along to our next meeting, please feel free. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7-9pm in the office, and our next session will be on February 20th. We are really eager to welcome new members and supporters , and afterwards we would like to go on to the pub if people wish.

1 comment:

Nick Canty said...

The Tuesday campaigning meetings are an excellent way to join in and lend a hand.

Any new or recent members are welcome, and any help gratefully received.

Come along!